Meet Our Team

Dr. Santosh Kumar

Founder, & Executive Director Santoshland & IUVW

Dr. SANTOSH KUMAR: counselor, attorney, professor, community leader, and businesswoman is the founder and the Executive Director of Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a non-profit agency working for the wellbeing of the community. Years ago, she set out on a journey to make a difference in the world face by face and what she initiated with a small group of people and few resources, is now one big organization (MAFS) with a pool of resources and a squad of hardworking individuals lending a helping hand to the community. 1969: Bachelor of Science, 1972: Bachelor of Law, 1974: Master’s in law from AMU. At the age of 22, Mrs. Kumar became an attorney and now, she has been practicing law for 26 years in the USA along with her community services. She also became a Professor of Law at the age of 24 at Aligarh VS College of Law from 1974 to 1977. She joined the university of Rajasthan, Jaipur from 1978 to 1985 and taught and practiced in the High Court of Rajasthan, before migrating to the US in 1985. She earned her Law Graduate degree from the USA in 1989 and a computer Desktop Publishing degree in the year 1992.

Mrs. Kumar’s versatility and her restless efforts to wipe out social injustice from the community were recognized by various organizations. She was known as the Wonder Woman in her friend’s circle. 2002-03, listed as a member of the National Register’s Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals. 2003-04, America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals honored her for her instrumental role as a community leader and her dedication to her profession. She was again honored by National Register WHO IS WHO as a VIP Professional 2004-2005 edition for her continued leadership to enhance the community image. She was also honored by United Cultural Convention and bestowed the 2005 International Peace Prize for her efforts to maintain harmony in the communities. In 2006 her university recognized her achievement and gave her mementos, a “Resource person” a prestigious reward for any NRI.
Mrs. Kumar’s versatility and her restless efforts to wipe out social injustice from the community were recognized by various organizations. She was known as the Wonder Woman in her friend’s circle. 2002-03, listed as a member of the National Register’s Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals. 2003-04, America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals honored her for her instrumental role as a community leader and her dedication to her profession. She was again honored by National Register WHO IS WHO as a VIP Professional 2004-2005 edition for her continued leadership to enhance the community image. She was also honored by United Cultural Convention and bestowed the 2005 International Peace Prize for her efforts to maintain harmony in the communities. In 2006 her university recognized her achievement and gave her mementos, a “Resource person” a prestigious reward for any NRI.
Her Dedication and continued leadership were recognized by the State of Illinois, and the State of New York and awarded her “PILLAR OF SERVICE” and “EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE” Awards for her excellence in human service. National Registry of Who’s Who recognized her with the “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” award. Her passion for the needy and destitute to serve is so deep and committed that she was given the title of ” MOTHER TERESA OF CHICAGO” by the alumni of her Alma matter, AMU in 2010. Community and Educational Impact Award by Illinois State Treasurer, Dan Rutherford on May 29, 2013. On November 18, 2015, Mrs. Kumar was bestowed with the “Jewel of Rajasthan”, by Minister of Rajasthan Gulab Chand Kataria (highest award given to Indian American personalities). Mrs. Kumar defines Social Work as a passion and not just a profession.

Dr Harish Doshi


Managing Director Santoshland & IUVW

Dr Harish Doshi Entrepreneur, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Professional, Practiced Homoeopathy & Ayurveda in India. Migrated to United States in 2006, Studied MBA & MPH with health care administration. Keep practicing Holistic Health on interpersonal level and helping people in real need. Joined as Managing Director of International University of Vedic Wellness to fulfill his dream of making successful implementation of Vedic Sciences in dealing with the modern world’s psychophysiological ailments.

Dr Harish Doshi


Managing Director Santoshland & IUVW

Dr Harish Doshi Entrepreneur, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Professional, Practiced Homoeopathy & Ayurveda in India. Migrated to United States in 2006, Studied MBA & MPH with health care administration. Keep practicing Holistic Health on interpersonal level and helping people in real need. Joined as Managing Director of International University of Vedic Wellness to fulfill his dream of making successful implementation of Vedic Sciences in dealing with the modern world’s psychophysiological ailments.

Dr Shilpa Doshi


Ayurvedic Consultant

Dr Shilpa Doshi is Entrepreneur, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Professional, Practiced Ayurveda for 20+ years in India. Migrated to United States in 2006, Board certified Ayurvedic Professional from National Ayurvedic Medical Association. Keep practicing Holistic Health on interpersonal level and helping people in real need. Joined as Ayurvedic Consultant at Santoshland Kerla Ayurveda to fulfill her dream of making successful implementation of Vedic Sciences in dealing with the modern world’s psychosomatic ailments.

Dr Shilpa Doshi


Ayurvedic Consultant

Dr Shilpa Doshi is Entrepreneur, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Professional, Practiced Ayurveda for 20+ years in India. Migrated to United States in 2006, Board certified Ayurvedic Professional from National Ayurvedic Medical Association. Keep practicing Holistic Health on interpersonal level and helping people in real need. Joined as Ayurvedic Consultant at Santoshland Kerla Ayurveda to fulfill her dream of making successful implementation of Vedic Sciences in dealing with the modern world’s psychosomatic ailments.

Dipti Shah

Business Developer

Dipti Shah is Business Developer at Metropolitan Asian Family Services where she works closely with seniors She supervised congregate Meal, Home delivered meals, adult literacy, and Memory Cafe Programs. She graduated from Gujarat University of India with Bachelor’s in Business and Accounting. Through all these programs she was able to make a difference in people’s life, also it helped to bring a better outcome. She is firm believer of Ayurveda popularly known as Science of Life. She is currently extending her working abilities towards business expansion of Santoshland Kerla Ayurveda with her outstanding people’s skills and socio-economic connections.

Dipti Shah

Business Developer

Dipti Shah is Business Developer at Metropolitan Asian Family Services where she works closely with seniors She supervised congregate Meal, Home delivered meals, adult literacy, and Memory Cafe Programs. She graduated from Gujarat University of India with Bachelor’s in Business and Accounting. Through all these programs she was able to make a difference in people’s life, also it helped to bring a better outcome. She is firm believer of Ayurveda popularly known as Science of Life. She is currently extending her working abilities towards business expansion of Santoshland Kerla Ayurveda with her outstanding people’s skills and socio-economic connections.